I loved this game! The main story is a fun ride all the way through, and all of the character interactions feel so much more fleshed out and organic than prior instalments in the series. Between the Treasure Collection and befriending all 720 species, the post game is HUGE (I spent around 150 hours beating it, though at a fairly leisurely pace where I'd sometimes go into long dungeons again just for fun). The references to events and characters from previous games are endless, and for any seasoned fan, it's always a delight to meet old characters again, and see what they've been up to since their respective games stories. Some people have levied complaints against the difficulty, but I first played through it as a 13 year old and thought the main story was bordering on being too EASY. That said, you do have to actively strategize and be able to manage resources, though, because the way the game progresses, there aren't many opportunities to stop and Exp. grind during the storyline. All in all though, one of my favourite Pokemon games to date!