Live stream of game on twitch and YouTube so what I will say is the game is pretty fun. Just think of it like watching an old '90s cartoon TV show like Bucky O'Hara with a dash of tag team classics level up system over the top cartoon. I haven't played with all the characters I only played with one character and that was jazz he was okay. The fight system's fun the Perry system is interesting, the ability are lacking but needing more. The cameos with all the steam indie video games like fight n rage. And some others are cool I do love the colors in the backgrounds very interactive It plays up to its world as it should It is $29 on the Xbox if you can get it in a better deal go for it. But I quite much enjoyed it I'm going to play it a little bit more on the twitch. But right now I'm trying to finish a game on YouTube but you can go to either one of my channels to find me @grandmacynthia666. But yeah worth worth buying especially for four player co-ops is it online I have no clue I didn't see that