Barbie is initially presented as an entertaining and charming film; however, it quickly deviates from its original tone and promotes a divisive form of feminism, resulting in a lack of coherence in its storyline. The movie fails to address inconsistencies in the plot and suffers from disjointed pacing. It purposefully undermines the concept of equality or respectful coexistence between men and women.
I was astounded that my husband endured the entire film. If it weren't for our child, we would have left the theater. The film portrays every male character as unintelligent and oblivious. It seizes every opportunity to assert its perspective while subtly critiquing areas where gender equality should be emphasized.
This message was inappropriate for this platform, and I appreciate that most of these underlying themes went over my daughter's head. If the roles were reversed in this film, the overall reception would likely be significantly different.