To Christians offended by this:
Be honest with yourself and ask why it upsets you so much. Is it because it's unfair? Or is it because this hits too close to home, because you remember people who were like this?
To people claiming this is some masterpiece:
Seriously? It's fine but it's not insane. It's unique sure, sort of. But I'm not getting any groundbreaking stuff here, just a cool and whacky story.
While Midnight Mass is admittedly as subtle as a Rhino in a one bedroom apartment, it does serve as an extreme example of how blind faith is dangerous. And in my opinion it's more or less just an exploration of that blind faith concept.
Is it excessive? Yes.
Is it a show, for entertainment? Yeah, duh..
I was raised Catholic, and while there's an obvious bubble of "wow this is blown out of proportion", there's a decent amount of realness with some of the characters as well.
My unbiased perspective on all of this is:
Cliques exist in the church, there is elitism because as people in groups it's bound to happen, and a lot of people get caught up in rules and it leads to small mindedness.
*But on the other side there are moderate people who believe in both modern and traditional religious values, progressive believers.*
Ultimately it's up to you whether or not you decide to take this show to heart.
It's for entertainment at the end of the day, if you don't like it, stop freaking watching it.
It's a crazy story about crazy people, nothing more, nothing less to me.