The best reviews come the either people who just want what the previous saints row’s had or people who bought the game as soon as it came out and the reason they gave it 2-1 stars is because it had a lot of bugs. Ik this because I looked at the reviews and those seem to be the main cause of the controversy but the game is good I got this game 7 months after release and it’s really fun I haven’t ran into a whole lot of bugs tbh and it’s just something different I wanted and I also like the customizations even tho I feel like there are less options in this SR compared to SR2, SR3 and SR4 but other then that the game is being updated to get the bugs fixed and the game patched. I hope in a future update they add more clothes and tattoo options as well but other than that I’m enjoying this game because it’s different and I like to try out different games not repetitive.