The controls on this game are beyond clunky on the PS4, the blur and frame rates are terrible(played on PS4 Pro with a SSD) and despite being fairly open for a few sections exploration is kind of limited to outposts with not much between them. Oh yea and Artyom can't climb to save his life...literally.
That being said the interactions with your crew and overall gameplay are pretty great. Exodus like other Metro games does take into account your actions(and inactions) throughout the game and has the crew respond to it. However you are limited to 2 overall endings and while they are both very well done you basically either get a "good" ending or "bad" ending with no real inbetween.
All this being said, you will still want to rip your hair out during the tutorial mission(getting the train). It is extremely clunky, horribly acted, very linear and you can't use over half the main systems in the game like crafting. Not to mention its LONG if not dashed through. But tough it out and you will most likely enjoy the rest of the game when you get over the clunky controls.