I never beat this game as a child in 1998. I got to the game-show and was just never able to get by. Fast forward to 2022 and I was able to play Rare Replay and 100% this game in just under 3 hours. It truly brought back the strongest nostalgia and I absolutely loved it. This game is a 9.8/10 for me. The camera can be a little frustrating at times, as can remembering how to get to certain levels, but overall this game really helped leave me feeling wholesome and happy. Like a child again really. As I got older, games just don't have the same rewarding feeling as they do when you're a child. Banjo-Kazooie restored that for me. No hostility, no rage, just happiness. It's simple, the sounds are entertaining and funny, and the dialog is classic. Overall, THIS is a game that children could play to learn fine motor skills, remember combinations and layouts, read, and just generally have fun. Only part I struggled with was the precise jumping in Click-Clock-Wood, but beside that, amazing.