I rate how good a series is when I can't stop watching it and when I start recommending it to others.
This one, it took me days to reach episode 13 and just stopped in the middle of it without finishing the whole thing. Never had a 2nd male lead syndrome. Hated the way the 1st lead girl treated the 1st lead guy and it's just my personal opinion that the third's a charm idea is so unrealistic that it really lost me when they met again.
I'm not really curious what the ending is anymore because the 1st thing that entered my mind when I found out she married the other guy was... So what would she want others to think as the reason for the break-up? It's not as if there's no attraction between the 1st female lead and the 2nd male lead. They got married and had a child. It's not as if she was forced to do it (but then again, I didn't finish the series so I'll never know).
The female leads are both pretty although I find the 2nd lead pettier and nicer. It would have made a bit of sense if the 1st lead was drop dead gorgeous but she didn't strike me as such (I apologize for my opinion, I'm just trying to make sense why).
It would be utterly stupid for the male lead to let go of the 2nd leading lady so I opted to stop watching than find out.