Illogical. Granted aliens may and will invade Earth. The Future Timeline paradox is still an unsolved mystery. If Muri has been able to create the toxin in the future, that would mean that IN THE FUTURE there must be Whitespike. However, Dan has managed to use the FUTURE TOXIN to eliminate all the aliens. That would leave no aliens for Muri to investigate and examine on IN THE FUTURE, thereby Muri will not have the chance to produce the toxin. Hence, Dan will not have gotten it from the future since 30 years later there will be no alien attack. Given Dan will not have the toxin, he would not be able to kill the aliens, let alone finding them in the first place. The war will still go on 30 years later. There is nothing you can do to change the past. Please director, when making movies do not take viewers as uneducated.