A very powerful, sad narrative, brilliantly written by Mr. Rosen. Although I'm autistic rather than schizophrenic, I identified strongly with Mr. Lauder. Indeed, the outward symptoms of his disorder and mine can be so similar that phychistrists have frequently misdiagnosed autistic patients with schizophrenia. Like, Mr.Laudor, I too, was in major denial about my disability and put my loved ones through Hell. My parents both died early because I forced them to continue taking care of me even after I grew up. I also caused the death of my loving wife because I didn't call 911 for her until after she had died. (I was too preoccupied with drinking ๐บ and playing with myself as my wife lay dying on our bathroom floor .) Mr. Rosen doesn't seem to be aware, though, of ways around barriers to forcible hospitalzation, like adult guardianship and powers of attorney.
sister ๐