despite the obvious down falls of the genre unlikable characters that are emotionally immature and entangled, some poor unrealistic dialogue. over all this show can be forgiven for its dramatic buffers, teenaged inspiring trendy cast for some brilliant insights and inventions in sifi genre plus some beloved old ones. the messy dramatics frames a mysterious and steadfast plot that keeps giving.
if you can get over the initial repulsions to cheesy American sifi shows you find a story line that is captivating and unfolds well; one life threating drama into the next. the plot twists are mostly convincing and captivating. if i watch something and after i say to myself " if this is a book id love to read it" or "this must be based on a book" you know its because the narrative was Gold. in no way felt cheated or bored and i watched series 1 and 2 back to back while I was sick. which doesn't usually happen as i get fed up with the filler or repetition quickly such as in the series snow piercer or other Netflix series which start off like something with potential but end up wasting your time by dragging everything out with no resolution i had a feeling of resolution and over all anticipation for the end all the way through. that must be hard to achieve since about a fourth of all media created actually scrapes a pass.