Focuses entirely on hate and retaliation losing sight of point of a tv show & portrays inaccurate historical racism to motivate modern hatred towards a society that wasn’t and isnt responsible for the past. Focuses on hate so much loses all sight on being an effective or sensible storyline. A sloppy boring violent spiteful but visually stunning mistake. MLK Jr. is turning over in his grave from shame of the hateful production. Begins with enthusiasm and promise. And by episode 2/3 quickly loses all momentum and energy. Becomes a regret by episode 5 and unsettlingly inappropriate & abusive by the finale. Also beware of the endorsement of generational child abuse and black abuse of family members. Leaves viewers with a bad taste in their mouth. Can easily skip. Best episode was about Hippolyta’s journey & episode of Self-discovery. Only point in the show where inspiration is permitted to more than just black society as it exclusively is throughout the series, but it also extends to women in general if you are able to withstand the hate the director has towards you if you’re any skin color other than black, then you will be allowed one moment in the show where you’re told you may be allowed to believe in yourself, otherwise you’re told to suffer, hate yourself and rot.