I’m only an hour into Atlas and I feel the need to give praise to a few things.
1. JLo’s interaction with Smith is priceless. The dialogue is well written; its exposition done right; the humour is on point; the arc Atlas goes on in order to accept Smith is well executed. Kudos to everyone. The writers even smartly solved the question of “what does the action hero eat while fighting all these bad guys?”
2. CGI gets 7/10. I get how hard it is to render an entire CGI world for the movies and make it all hang together. Can’t fault them there, but still…
3. I’m a TBD on how the rest of the story goes, but I definitely recommend this movie. There are only so many versions of a hero’s journey in the stories we tell as humans so all these critics talking about predictability need to put pen to paper and come up with something of their own. These critics need to read Roosevelt’s The Man in the Arena speech just once.