The plot is cool, but Lily Collin’s acting killed the movie for me. Her portrayal of the character was not believable. Too young to be believable as a DA, finds out all these secrets about her dad and continues to doubt what he’s capable of for half the movie. Overly confident at times then overly emotional at other. In the end, the plot of her trying to figure everything out herself and not include the law contradicts her whole portrayal of being the good girl defying her father. The scene that really killed it for me was when her mom and her are crying and panicking over the documents that truly identify Simon Pegg’s character. They’re crying hysterically and don’t even know the reason each other are getting upset. It’s like crying and not knowing why you’re crying. Just overacting at a time when both should’ve provided context first to justify why they’re getting upset. I think I would have enjoyed it a little more with a different actress playing the part.