The entire thing is a Middle-Aged woman's fever dream. Nothing makes sense and the script writing sound like it was written by a middle schooler. Or at least a non-fully functioning adult who has no idea how the judicial system works.
Her child was murdered because she insisted that her husband take their child to Take Your Daughter to Work Day, and guess what? He is a forensic psychologist who works with murderers. And for some reason he took her into a room with a serial cannibal and she ended up getting locked in the room with him alone somehow? And the mom was like "iT wAs My fAuLt."
At one point she is charged with murder and her best friend is able to just come bail her out, no jailtime. Like what? She was charged with MURDER. The feds wouldn't just let you walk out. Then at the end of the series everyone, including the opinion-changing detective, just ends up apologizing to her, like- "wE ShOuLd HaVE LiStEnEd tO yOu."
I only watched it to the end because I was hoping that it was all a dream, or that it was all in her head and she was locked up in a mental health facility. NOPE.
EDIT: The counteract the reviews saying that it's supposed to be funny. I did not get that vibe at all. lol I've seen Hallmark movies it would be supposedly making fun of, and this show seemed to take itself very seriously. I really don't think it was meant to be funny. For one thing, look at the genre- Crime TV shows, Crime Drama and TV Drama.