*some spoilers*
I started watching this because I thought it was going to be a satire or funny. It was neither. It's like the writers couldn't decide what it was. It wasn't smart enough to be a proper thriller. It was never funny enough to be a comedy. It was never sincere enough to be a romance. And so many plot holes. Like ok. She's an artist who made it big on custom dog portraits and her ex is an FBI guy. They have what is clearly a multimillion dollar house that she kept in the divorce but she clearly doesn't work at all anymore. She's a massive alcoholic yet the house is still immaculate and every shot looks like an Instagram interiors photograph. The only likeable character is her doormat of a best friend who gave up a dream job to care for her after her kid died in a totally contrived scenario.
All of it was nonsense. Through and through. I kept hoping it would get funny enough to redeem itself but it didn't.
Also what happened to the con man after he was released from jail? They kind of just threw him away and never revisited it, even though he was clearly under investigation for money crimes.
Stupid stupid waste of brain space. A bad soap opera.