We, as well-honed film consumers maybe consumed by the formula movies by now. And look for more - a slice of life, perhaps, in the "experience" we take in through our senses, via films.
Those sensitive enough to embody watching films as a part of "lived experience" will enjoy this movie - like a work of art, it draws the picture but does not color it with what one should see, hear or feel.
Almost like reading a novel, this film allows you to "feel" and let the story move through you as it may wish. It does not "tell" a story, it invokes an experience. oops I'm repeating myself. But that's because the movie has left me still feeling my own sense enough to write this review within 3 minutes of completing it. Albeit I needed to savor watching half and half over 2 sittings with a gap of 3 days between.
Hesitation wrapped in old fashioned respect, tentativeness rooted in mundane routine, meanderings and coincidences, sweetness lined with dread, and the raw -real visuals of life as we see it, on streets, in homes, between family and strangers.
A welcome relief from too much pseudo "meaning" and "purpose" thrashing about in the world today.
I hope you too will feel your being "real" is rewarded by watching this film.