This cannot be called a show, waste of animation. A glorified podcast, like the ravings of your local homeless person or a gaggle of stoners. Its a very frustrating show where they talk irrelevant stuff to what they are doing, Quite forgettable conversations. Like philosophy from someone who read Socrates that one time and made it their personality.
It had such potential to be a good story with a message like Adventure time but all the beautiful visuals were wasted... This is like they sucked the joy of show not tell in stories and stood in front of a camera blabbering. Please just go talk to your actual friends and family about these subjects, love, death, etc and form your own opinions, and not from a screen that alienates you from all the topics discussed. Its like an alien made this show to get what is universally known on humans to other aliens, and I mean this not in a fun way. If you think these topics are out there and not talked about in "today's society", please leave your house more.
Power to you if you like it, but not my cup of tea. If you like to feel like a pseudo intellectual and live vicariously through others with no mind or experiences of your own, this show is for you.