Im one of those that grew up playing this everyday especially during football season and has been longing for it to come back. I bought it day of release which i never do anymore and only loved it the first few days. Or at least until the nostalgia wore off.
So many bugs to the point where the game isnt even enjoyable and ive been playing madden/ncaa every year theyve been released.
From the ghost dbs flying 30 yards across the field to my wrs flat out running the wrong way it’s a mess. You can play a team that has an overall 30 points less than your team and they will be unstoppable. OLINE getting blown up every snap and having less than a second to throw the ball. Defensive line completely missing guys and then the horrible tackling mech. You have to be right on the guys ass to make a tackle but most of the time they will end up flying the wrong way. Hit stick is pretty much useless and when you do hit them the animations just arent there.
In one game I clipped about 10 glitches and each one was worst than the last. Had my safety go for an interception only to have it go right through his head and to the wr who ran for a touchdown. I tried to run a rb screen 4 times and every time my running back gets caught on the offensive line and it’s a sack or int by a d line men. Their LBS are insane in pass coverage and will be chasing my wide receiver down the middle, be ten yards behind and jump, block the pass without even looking and their CB comes from ten yards away to catch the ball that was deflected but my guys couldnt even catch a cold in the middle of winter. If my LB or Safety has the ball coming right at them they just knock it down even if i take control and try to come back annd intercept the ball. Ive noticed my inputs in numerous plays like that arent being picked up and it feels like my CBS just go dumb even against an inferior opponent. If i try to shift my defense my corners will try to guard the receiver all the way across the screen in man coverage so their wideouts are all wide open and my corners try to cover the receiver ACROSS THE FIELD AND NOT RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM. I wont even audible ill just slide my d line and my corners will start to run across the screen.
The game modes and about everything thing else are definitely lacking for a game that could have been in development for 10+ years and theres no real excuse for the bugs that are in this game. Ill hope to play it again later if they decide to patch the bugs but im already calling it quits right when the real NCAA season has started.
I had so much hope but just like everyone else am highly disappointed.
Yo P.s EA please add a damn soundtrack. That one drum loop played for hours straight is the laziest thing i have ever seen. Add some more depth and make it an immersive experience like the ncaas or maddens used to be.