Disappointing and kind of boring...
I was excited about this show, as many were, to see Ewan and Hayden on-screen together again. This show didn't offer much of that and instead chooses to focus on Obi Wan and Leia. This could've been fine, but what's surprising is the amount of filler and minimal progression of any kind of story for the first 4 episodes in a 6-episode series. I didn't need a certain story or great acting, but I did expect some awesome action and lightsaber fighting and the beautiful cinematography we expect from Star Wars. This series fell short in my opinion. All I wanted was something fun and exciting, but honestly, it's pretty boring until episode 5. There's a few good moments here and there in the first 4 episodes, but at the end of each episode I kept thinking "Is that it?"
The sets and effects seem cheap at times. It just doesn't seem like they put nearly as much effort and thought into this as they did The Mandalorian.
Last 2 episodes are solid, though a bit silly at times. They are fun and exciting, but it just made me wonder more why the previous episodes couldn't match that level of excitement.
All in all, this is a story that didn't need to be told. I don't think it really adds anything to the overall story and actually at times detracts from it. Also, for a 6-episode series, with each episode averaging about 40 minutes in length, I expected it to be a tight story and each episode to be fairly action-packed. The pacing for the first 4 episodes is just too slow.