Eomer in a loincloth...
Daft but worth a watch if only for the visuals.
The Vikings remind me of Warhammer Chaos Warriors - very spiky and threatening. That's cool.
Bland characters - you never really care about them because they never say anything of any significance or do anything meaningful enough to get you interested. Lots of manly man phrases between manly man grunting sprinkled with manly man fighting.
The grim nature of the Vikings and their darkness although very much in the realms of fantasy (Vikings were definitely not like this) becomes a bit daft after a while. They're more charicatures than anything.
Stupid decision making on both sides; the Vikings and the American Indians. I mean really stupid...and that's irritating.
The plot is simple which makes the film watchable; nothing too intense and there's enough to keep you watching even with the silliness of it all.
The grey tinge to the film although at first adds pathos begins to grate after 20 mins in.
Did I mention they all do daft things?
Despite all this my partner and I did actually sit through it all and were reasonably entertained. I may even watch it again...