This is by far one of the laziest Scooby Doo movies ever made. The film is riddled with half-baked Easter eggs and political agendas that are just laughable. I never thought that I would ever seriously hear the words “millennial” or ”toxic masculinity” ever said within a Scooby Doo production in my life. This is not how to make a film that actually pushes social topics effectively, it just feels as though the production team is trying to pander to SJWs. I mean seriously, every male character within this is portrayed as a complete idiot, thereby going against the actual meaning of feminism by having a stronger sex (women in this case) rather than portraying both sexes as equals. Beyond that, this film goes against practically every single Scooby Doo film ever made by not even having a core mystery within the plot. The voice acting in this film seems completely off and distracts the audience throughout the entire film. A lot of the “jokes” are dated and awkward like: Blue Falcon dabbing at one point, constant “ subtle” celebrity and brand cameos that seem like full on ads, and “hip” references to social media and modern teen culture. The film also ham fists emotional moments by forcing the audience to care about a completely dull and unlikeable Mystery Inc. A gang that also doesn’t work with each other for practically the entire film. The film is decently animated and makes good use of color. The soundtrack is awkward and forgettable. Major challenges are conquered not through wit or actual character development but rather convenient accidents. It’s also kinda funny to see just how just how many 3D gimmicky shots the production team pushed for. All in all the movie was so bad that I felt the need to write this review in the first place. Don’t watch it, there’s plenty of decades worth of fantastic classic Scooby Doo content out there that’s far better than this corporate slop aimed to pull on your nostalgic strings.