This show isn't one of those get it in one go type deals where it reels you immediately from the beginning and quickly crescendos and then peters out. Much like the Roses, it starts at rock bottom--with irritating characters in a sleepy town with barely anything interesting going on. But then you find out that people with grandiose self-importance, entitlement, and snobbery can soften into the most selfless, endearing, and intoxicatingly sexy human beings this side of television. And then you begin identifying with the protagonists in unusual ways. The best feeling in the world is getting to know someone who starts out guarded and sarcastic, until you peel their layers off until you discover somebody earnest and vulnerable whom you just can't live without. Like finding diamonds in a coal mine. So cute. But still, y'know, incredibly stylish. Stay classy, schitt's creek. I could spend a week writing diatribes about how in love I am with this show. But that would be time better spent binging it all over again from start to finish. Delectable!