As a Star Wars fan, this series fall far short of all the other series and expectations. It's all the illogical story plot devices, and changing of story lore which builds up to make the story so uncompelling and frustrating to watch. It breaks immersion when the story doesn't make sense.
1. The force is in everyone, but not everyone can use the force. The movies has built a foundation for it, why do you have to go and change it? Just train and focus? Not everyone is "chosen". I don't know if they are trying to push a political idea knowing it's Disney at this point or this is just another plot device.
2. If a Jedi just fought some droids trying to kill you for an orb, won't you at least send some guards even though Sabine ran off with it? Jedi with no foresight? Another plot device.
3. When there is fighting outside your ship and even made impacts on your ship, surely a Jedi would be able to sense it. Another illogical plot device.
4. A general sensed high energy build up from the enemy ship in front, and precedes to wait and watch. A general. No evasive maneuver? Another illogical point.
If you don't have a good story to tell, then don't. Stop hijacking an IP for your own ego.