So, I this book was recommended to me by my cousin who had finished it in about 24 hours. So, I went and picked it up, started Saturday night and just finished it (Tuesday). It definitely started off slow, which I didn't like but I kept going!
I'm still a little perplexed on how I feel about its entirety. One the side you have the manuscript- which could be real. But why would a mother write horrible things like that about her children, even if it was a 'writers exercise', especially the part about her trying to kill Harper as a infant. So that would all slightly justify Jeremys actions. And then driving herself into the tree.
On the other hand, the letter- this could be true as to explain the letter and to say none of that was true. But then it could be a lie cover up her tracks for the manuscript. To make it look like she didn't mean anything in the manuscript.
As for Jeremy I'm not sure if he knew about the manuscript before Lowen told him or not! And I'm not sure of his tendencies- Hes on a killing spree and Crew is on his way. With all the knife handling and putting his sister outside because she was crying!
I just know for sure that she was faking her injuries and Lowen was not tripping like she thought it was!
The whole household is messed up I'll tell you that! And I can't decide if I believe the book or the manuscript. I think I'm leaning more towards the manuscript!