The games developers need to focus on building a new generation of players rather than milking their current player base by gouging their pockets for premium accounts, vehicles, and boosters just to make it to the next rank. It takes too long to grind the game, most people would enjoy being able to play the game without having to grind for lions because they lost them all playing four games.
I've payed for vehicles, and for a premium account to grind faster. Which is often recommended by YouTubers to actually be able to play in higher tiers while living a life. Yet even with premium vehicles and 14 kill games on a premium account I still can barely afford to continue playing the tier I payed for, it's not fair, and it's tone deaf of Gaijin to act like this isn't a problem. The sad reality however is that they aren't tone deaf, they know its a problem, and ignore it to line their pockets with cash.