The show started off okay, with a good-looking, well thought out fight. From that point forward it was a downward spiral, and I don't mean at a slight angle, no, this was a nose dive at maximum velocity. This show, is in my opinion the absolute worse adaptation of a game or book ever created. I don't know who the Developers consulted, but I wouldn't be surprised if that person actually Hates the Halo series of games. So many awesome characters were completely ruined, a few, had their race changed, which was silly and unnecessary, while the vast majority of them seemed to lose about 99% of their brain cells. To top it all off, the relationship between John and Cortana. Which in my opinion is one of the greatest friendships ever portrayed in a game, book, or movie, was turned from something wholesome and meaningful, to something strange and grotesque.
To summarize, don't watch this show, in fact, after seeing this, I'd advise not watching any shows touched by those involved with the creation of this abomination.
Seriously, if I had two options,
A: Fight an Enraged Bear with nothing but a rubber duckie while blindfolded.
B: Watch this show
I'm picking A every damn time