I just saw an episode of this and was so incensed that I feel like I have to say something.
Within the first 5 minutes there was an introductory statement from one of the makeunder victims’ boyfriend, who was basically hinting that he would end his relationship if his girlfriend didn’t quit the fake tan and cover her breasts.
He fell for her dressed the way she was, but then thought he could dictate to her how she should dress? Better for younger viewers if they could have seen the girl tell him where to stick his opinion.
The hosts (who really ought to be looking at themselves in a mirror before criticising others: Bad hair, dull clothes, heavy makeup and faces botoxed to the point where they are rendered virtually immobile don’t exactly promote their skills!) are lacking in any charm or warmth, and are openly quite rude and cruel to their “guests.”
I was getting irritated every time the presenters spoke. Most of what they said was hugely condescending, or perpetuated antiquated stereotypes, particularly about women.
The makeup artist told one girl that “Boys like blondes but *men* prefer brunettes.”
What kind of nonsense is that to be spewing out on national television?
So if you’re a blonde woman, bad luck, you’ll have to change if you ever want to be attractive to a *real* man.
Like attracting men should be the primary aim of a woman’s life in the first place!
And then there was a sweet Cybergoth boy who clearly felt very uncomfortable with how he looked at the end; his body language spoke volumes. They stripped him of all his personality. He just looked like any other young boy on the street.
As those more extreme styles of fashion are usually used to indicate belonging to a particular social tribe, taking all of it away could have a negative impact on his sense of identity, and his relationship to others in his tribe who may no longer recognise him as one of their own.
The haircuts were fine, but I strongly disagree with forcing people to entirely abandon their personal sense of style for the sake of conformity.
I won’t be watching another episode, as I don’t want to end up with high blood pressure from having to witness so much vacuous, superficial nonsense, with its underlying message of “Don’t be interesting or creative; be like everyone else!”
Don’t waste your time watching things like this.