I started watching this show simply out of curiosity and now I'm hooked! It stars Keifer Sutherland (agent Jack Bauer, from 24) and I was intrigued to find him kick start the series as an unambitious, mediocre, stage shy, low calibre, johnny-do-good politician thrust unto the world stage during a national crisis. One of the curious elements of this show is watching president kirkman transition into a confident, arse kicking man of integrity.
A noble family man trying to do his best to lead the country with transparency and strong personal ethics. Hes a human president struggling to balance his multiple roles as president, commander in chief, husband, father, etc. Slippery slope but he persveres through the political minefields, power play, undercutting, ruthlessness etc. Partisan sentiments aside, I find the political twists and turns, entertaining. His COS, special advisors and press secretary are fresh faced, trendy, social media savvy and passionate. His COS is romantically unstable yet fiercely loyal to the president and married to her job. She's damn good, firm and a strong female image. Its also not over sexualised. I think its balanced thank goodness. This is a modern take on the west wing, madam secretary, house of cards etc. As far as entertainment goes, Its fresh, younger, sexier and easier for the younger generations to keep up with. Hooked and addicted. Love it!