This is the worst game I have ever played. I have played the MLB the show games for the last few years and ever since 21 the games have just gone completely downhill. This game has no new content and just recycles old content from the previous games and is just a complete money grab. In the previous games they released programs regularly with the games best cards. However, the new programs barely come out and have cards that are terrible. Then there is team affinity which used to be a great way to get cards from all the teams but now team affinity is near impossible to compete and has cards that will never be used. There are also the new seasons which completely strip you of your old team which you either spent money on or spent hours grinding for good cards. These new seasons also make the game die incredibly quick as no one wants to grind for a new team after yours just got taken away just for this new team you are grinding for to be taken away a few months later. Then you get to the gameplay where it is as inconsistent as it gets. In other sports games such as madden or 2k when you make a green throw in madden it goes where you want it or when you green a shot in 2k it goes in. But in the show if you hit a perfect perfect (this games version of greening) it will result in an out half the time. Also when you hit a ball pretty much with an exit velo of 100+ it lines you out most of the time. But if you're early and have a bad pci then the ball will be a bomb and completely get rid of any skill. This is a terrible game don't get it and Ramone you ruined one of the best sport game franchises because you are a greedy little rat.