Game is a shameless cash grab. Fighting mechanics are limited to 2 moves and a super move. Certain weapons/jutsu that are only obtainable through DLC purchases or character purchases are insanely broken to the point if you load into a lobby and see said weapon you might as well leave. The game is also FULL of cheaters that can instant kill you, non stop spawning their super move within seconds (usually takes a few minutes) and there is NO WAY TO REPORT CHEATERS. If you are stuck in a game that has a cheater on the opposing team you can't even report them for ruining the already shallow game. The developers simply do not care enough to fix the issues because the game is a simple cash grab. You get constant loot boxes to try and obtain the OP weapons or Jutsu but it is never enough so you should probably spend more than what you originally spent on the game just to be on par with the cheaters and no lifes that take joy in ruining a game that the developers themselves care so little about to put anything in place to stop these cheaters. I am deleting this game and NO ONE SHOULD WASTE THEIR TIME OR MORE IMPORTATNLY THEIR MONEY ON THIS AWFUL GAME.