The creators of the show throw the lore out the window and replace it with a mediocre fan fiction. Even ignoring the fact, this whole show is just a mess. Some actors know only one facial expression. The shots of actors staring blankly into nothing are just hilarious. There is no shortage of girl bosses and evil and/or weak male characters. They fail even at portraying that, because Galadriel is self-entitled, manipulative and a bad leader. But she wields a sword, so I guess she's strong. On the contrary, book Galadriel is a prime example of how you can portray a strong woman character without making her a worrior. She has authority, wisdom, divine-like presence and ability to look into people's hearts. Still, I would not mind female worriors, just please do not sacrifice Galadriel for the sake of making her a badass with a sword.
More glaring issue is the actual story full of inventions that are just plainly wrong like Mount Doom explosion or elven immortality waning because of some tree cancer. Hobbits have big hearts sure, but they abandon they comrades for certain death if they become injured. The elves are hated in Numenor for no apparent reasons. Elven immigrants are scheming to take their jobs or colonise them? Sounds familiar... And the reasoning for that is because one sea survivor elf woman ended up on their island? The list goes on and on and there is little good to say about the show except for its visuals, which makes me evoke Tolkien's "All that is gold does not glitter...".