chicken run 2 the dawn of the nugget was extremely pointless to make. the sequel was equivalent to a poorly thought out road trip sequel. the two og characters along with their headstrong tween daughter and the rest of the village head out to save other chickens from becoming chicken nuggets. within the first five minutes viewers can see the director took a modern light hearted approach as opposed to the original. the climax is completely and utterly disappointing as the audience witnesses the same “ultimate battle scene” as the first movie with the exception of fighting in a different factory . somehow after being thrown into the chicken nugget machine , ms. tweedy comes out alive and well and goes to chase them one more time almost identical to the plane scene in the original movie. although the director remained true to the awkward yet laughable humor the movie had little to no memorable moments . unfortunately this movie proved to viewers all around the world that a decent movie no longer can be created. if you are a fan of chicken run save yourself the heartache of ruining such a beautiful movie . (such a shame all of the stop motion went to waste)