She's a journalist, not a psychologist. Journalists have an agenda and hers is very clear -- keep your kids sick by ignoring their feelings.
If you don't understand yourself, you CANNOT understand other people. I used therapy to figure that out and I'm happier and more successful as a result. If this kind of therapy and psychiatric medicine was available when I was a kid, who knows how things would have turned out?
Because, instead, I was raised with the method proposed in the book. That left me underachieving in school, never reaching my full potential, never understand my fears, never understanding how to have a healthy relationship with other people.
That's what therapy is about. Her premise is flawed from the outset. Instead, we have a grifter preying upon fearful parents selling them poison--that we shouldn't take responsibility for our actions, inactions, and consequences, but instead it's the Doctor's fault. It's that Ivory Tower trying to trick you! It's not your fault. You're a good parent, how could it be your fault?
You can't take accountability or responsibility without first looking within the self. Period. Trust the science, not the scammers.