There are so many good things to say about this DLC. Spoiler Warning.
The first level is a sprawling UAC Oil Rig that made a great first impression on me. The level is long, and feels a lot like DOOM 2016's atmosphere, apart from the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean and being thousands of feet in the air. The platforming is still amazingly responsive, and is a nice break from the hard-hitting, demanding combat. Every arena feels like Final Sin on steroids, and I love it.
The second level has one of the most beautiful environments I've seen in a video game, in a while. The murky depths of the Blood Swamps capture this feeling of a desolate wasteland, except you're not alone-not by a long shot. The music, which was composed by Andrew Hulshult and David Levy, is great here. As opposed to Mick's Industrial-Metal mayhem, we have a great set of hard metal to bang your head to. Of course, don't do that while dealing with the ever-increasingly difficult arenas.
The third level takes place in The Equestrian Holt - an eerie forest full of whispers and break-neck arena fights. At this point, the story is reaching its climax, and the level couldn't agree with that trend more.
When I say break-neck, I mean it. The fights at this point are phenomenal, demanding your full attention and control at all times. They rush you, they blast you, they do everything in their power to stop you, and you better be prepared for it.
The environments in this level are gorgeous. The first part of the level, like I was talking about earlier, is this strange, uncanny forest. You traverse by knocking down trees and using them as bridges to otherwise inaccessible places. The second part is maybe one of the best views in gaming. You exit the forest to see this huge blue sky, dancing with stars and planets, along with the recked Maykr architecture on the outskirts of that realm.
The story is great, picking up almost immediately after Doom Eternal left off.
Overall, 4.5 out of 5. Great DLC, would recommend.