John recently did a show that echoed some progressive voices that we need to do more than "just" beat Trump's re-election and challenged the Biden-Harris campaign to speak out more on progressive issues. But when you see how close the election polling is and how bad Trump is, there is NO GREATER achievement for this election than to beat Trump and get him OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE! These same progressives that John echoes are underestimating the struggle to unseat Trump and are on the wrong page strategically. The Bernie campaign often fed into this. Our democracy is under great threat and all progressives should be acting on the same strategic goal of defeating Trump to rebuild our democracy. if John does not realize this then he, too, is on the wrong page and should be less snarky and more humble about what is most important right now. A Biden-Harris win opens lots of good possibilies. Their loss? Hard to imagine the struggle that would present to all of us.