This show is an absolute mockery of the novel series. There are a few plot holes that have come about in the show, and any fan of the series will know them. I am beyond disappointed that the writers of this show didn’t follow the script of the books, spoilers: Siuan is lesbian? I have no issue with LGBTQ, but she marries a man in the book and is never with Moraine. Moraine has her weave tied off? And why doesn’t Lanfear skim or make a gateway to follow Moraine and Rand, she used a horse? Not a Foresaken thing to do, and not in the book. Anyways this show is a mess to fix to be the show it should be, but it’s still not too late! This isn’t the legacy that Robert Jordan left. Please fix it!!! Anyways I would give this a 0 star review if it were possible. Casting is bad too. If I hadn’t read the book I would think the show was maybe a 3/5.