An American oligarch goes on a wandering lecture that swings between decrying the plight of the poor, saying a gallon of gas is cheaper than a gallon of milk, exploring the difficulty of heating and cooling the spaces we inhabit, giving a wishy-washy call to action to quit eating meat, reassuring us that corporate millionaires with even more money and government backing, up to $10 billion worth, can bring us brilliant climate change solutions such as geo- engineering the sun to be 1% dimmer and the clouds to reflect more sun, the following chapters speaks of how unfair it is that poor people suffer the most from climate change ( but don't do wasteful charity like just using the aforementioned 10 billion to build cleaner/sustainable house and community for the poor). All in all it kinda just sounded like " this is my pitch that I am the technology savior who can continue to get rich off the climate change problem, don't worry we won't stop or make any real change, we will just using confusing numbers to make it sound good"