5 stars because why not. Cringe that people lol get a life it’s just a movie I’ve seen far worse movies than this. I thought it was funny, it is a comedy. I don’t get what people don’t understand the parents we’re together in college and haven’t spoke since, how the hell are they supposed to know there kids are dating clearly they weren’t all into there relationships. It’s also romantic so obviously the ending was going to go that way. Grow the hell up they were adults it’s not like they were young kids who grew up together. People complain about everything these days. Oh yes there’s some happy people in the movie cringe on that too. Idk what’s all the hate about with brook shields maybe her age? Cringe on that too. While you are cringing just remember nobody cares about if you cringe. lol boo hoo. The wedding setting, location and picture caught my eye Also the beach scenes were nice. Enjoy reading cringers lol