When I first saw this film I loved it, I thought it was amazing but I’m actually watching it again right now and I’m noticing some things I didn’t before. So obviously I’m not going to say anything about culture accuracy I’m not Chinese I have no say. So as a film, I say it’s okay. It’s a cute little story. I love that films are branching out more to different cultures and I did notice this was a fully Asian cast, so well done. The story is simple it’s not really anything new other than the culture elements. I’m in the middle of the film and I can only remember the beginning song and the Pop style one. Otherwise these songs aren’t memorable and I really think they just didn’t know what to do with those parts so.. SING. Anyway the moon world seems a little out of place but those little moon cake characters were adorable. The character design is amazing, the animation is beautiful. For a smaller animation company this is a great film, but I do think it could have been something more? So again the first time I watched this I loved it and I think it’s more because I would have loved it as a kid. Recently I feel musicals are lack luster but it was those two songs I really liked and just innocent feeling that it brought back that younger me. Which hasn’t happened since Moana but I’ll stop there I’m not trying to compare it to big movies like Moana and frozen or even the bad ones like Angry birds. That really isn’t a fair thing to do. Think of it as it’s own film.
So there will be spoilers from now on so please keep that in mind:
Now I think there are too many “side kick” characters. The bunny, the stepbrother and that lime green thing. Too many characters to keep the children’s attention and actually they’re so annoying to the point where I actually got distracted. There were some funny parts though. I think it’s fantastic that the main character believes in her legends and science, she’s very smart and I really appreciate that the main lead is using words and science to help solve her problems other than weapons and “bravery” and while she is very brave that isn’t the only important thing here. Other people think the message is too cliche and is being used too much, I disagree I personally think they did it a tiny bit differently I didn’t see it from other films. Being that it’s more knowing that person would never stop loving you and you wouldn’t stop loving them. Correct me if I’m wrong but other films with themes of loss don’t go over than little point and it’s all remembrance and things like that. That end scene was actually powerful to me. Back to when I first saw this film I got scared when she was building the rocket because I thought she would mess up terribly and die and be reunited with her dead mother or even hint towards that but it didn’t... and I really think the film would have been better if it did end up that way... just adding depth in the film. Anyway 3/5 pretty good film. But not something to look into too much.