(Yeah sorry, this is gonna be a lot, skip to the end for a summed up version)
When I first heard about this, it had been years since I heard any news of teen titans. I was younger, like 9 or 10 and I was excited. I didn't completely grow up with the show but when I watched it for the first time as a 4 year old, i fell in love. I watched all the episodes I could and after the abrupt ending(?) of the latest season, I was heartbroken.
So when I first saw teen titans go, I thought it was kinda funny. Maybe it was because I was little or because back then there was some charm to it but, even though it wasn't the original, it was something I could watch. By 2017, my opinion had changed entirely, the show was not very funny to me anymore and coming back to try and find some enjoyment in it again, I still can't find any in the more recent episodes and only find myself chuckling when I look at the early episodes. I dunno if it's cause I'm 16 now, because I still miss teen titans, or whatever but I know that the og won't come back and I've let that go. Even without that, the show just isn't great. It's unfunny most times and uncomfortable at others. This is the first time I've despised a CN show this much and wished it would just end already.
Of course, that probably won't be anytime soon since the show is so popular with kids. And the people working on the show don't have much to do with the scheduling of the show.
EDIT: This may be obvious but Teen Titans Go! is mostly scheduled the way it is because it's supposed to be aimed towards kids, it gets great view counts and well, merchandise leads to more publicity. I can't completely criticize cause I watched the OG and I don't know the perspective of someone who didn't so people have different opinions and their opinions aren't mine to judge.
(TL;DR : The show kinda sucks and it probably will continue to for the rest of our lives. We need to learn to move on, there are other shows on other platforms and channels that deserve to be watched and whether you like or dislike TTG, it doesn't involve me, you do you but Teen Titans is something that will have to stay in my childhood as I move onto new franchises and watch other shows.)