I really enjoyed the beginning of the movie. Of Neo in his normal life. Working with his biggest enemy having no clue, working out, making a video game out of what he once experienced, seeing the love of his life everyday but not being able to explain it. Then seeing a therapist to help him to sort out his thoughts. Giving him prescriptions that further drove him into routine and despair. I think this is how 90 percent of the population lives. Think about it.. we all don't like our boss. We have feelings of past events and memories but can't make sense of them. We seek mental help through therapy and medications. And then end up feeling empty and alone inside anyway. I've never seen anything more accurate of the world today then the "new matrix". We all wonder why our generation has so many problems with mental health, love, and marriage. It's because we know who we love "we can feel it balls to bone" as the oracle says. But yet we don't act on it because of certain circumstances. The matrix doesn't want us in love or happy because then they can't suck our energy dry. That's what neo and trinity are here to teach us.
The second half was ok. I don't care for all the guns and fighting.thats why I put it as a 4 star. But trinity and neos love is infinite. That's the beauty and hopefully the main thing people take from this movie. Love conquers all. Love is a frequency and we all need to tune into it.