I play a couple rounds then I get bored and shut it off. No new content. The most I played this game was the few weeks Rush was available for 3 maps only.
My personal complaint is that Rush fans have been asking for years now for 32v32, vehicles and objectives spread apart in Rush but instead the mcoms were replaced by flags and the game mode was renamed Breakthrough. And of course Breakthrough was a hit because it's what Rush should of been this WHOLE time since bf3.
The maps are just dull (with the exception of aerodrome and devastation).
No hardcore mode that can easily be toggled on or off.
DICE's main focus has clearly been the BR.
The deluxe edition was pointless.
DICE should of remastered BC2 or BF3 with the release of this game. It would kept the loyal fans content till the next modern warfare game.