When are you guys start to talk about this virus returns back to the patient who gets negative result sometimes after 10 days releasing from the hospital??? ( Yes, it is happening in Japan!! It could be the method of the test, But it is happening. Once the virus weakens, test result may not pick it up. But the remained virus in the body can spread out again later.....report says on the national public news in Japan.) (( I heard once here on the news, but not heard after once or enough to remind people. ))
I try to watch this show as much as possible. Now, not only this show but I try to check all the news about this virus!!
And this is my first time to wonder what is going on this world wide medias doing!!!!
When all the media was talking about Diamond Princess, why media did not report what was going on in Japan???
Japan had Corona virus started before or around the same time of Diamond Princess docked in port. And they tested quickly the people who has developed pneumonia, and could find out the Coronavirus patient quickly. Also, started to investigate how, where these patient infected in Japan. They tested all the people who closely contacted to the patients. They monitor and find out the tendency that young people does not develop severe symptoms, thus they can be the carrier of this virus and spread out, etc.
Yes, this virus are still so new, but they had studied and reported on national public news in Japan about the characteristics of this virus months ago. It was the time that people from Diamond Princess came back here, and already it was the norm in Japan about the virus' facts what is going on, how dangerous to valuable people, how contagious, how difficult to detect, etc.
And our President was still telling that this virus' fatality is much less than influenzas around that time!!! and left the country to visit another country!!
I was so frustrated to hear all about this gaps and holes.
Whey media did not pick up what was happening, what people found out in Japan in this such a developed social media society?????No way!! I don't understand.
I go to school so I was explaining to my friend and teachers about this virus how dangerous it is. How it was spreading out in Japan. But I don't think people truly believed what I was telling them!!! And now about 1 month later, people are picking up here the same information about the virus: very contagious, young people's condition is more mild, etc....
But not yet, media is not reporting that this virus sometimes return back to the people who was released from hospital after the negative result.
(It maybe because the method of the test. I think Japan used the same kit WHO provided) But there is some cases already in Japan!!
I think people should be informed and ready for that facts what has happened in another country.
I think there are tons of people who understand both languages, Japanese and English. ( or any languages )
I wonder how many people had the same feeling and experience like me.....and more over, what is happening among those bilingual people who works for this media industry???? What are they feeling and thinking??? Why there was the delay of the information??? I just want to know....