Excuse me but... where the hell can this "artwork" (not according to many critics) be watched? It's been more than two months (almost three) that it was released in France,yet it's not available on any platform or in BD format,and it has not been released in any civilised country (other than Italy,if you count that as civilised) except.in....France. Why shoot a film and then NOT release it anywhere? (the meager realease future dates available Imdb are pathetic, only six or seven second rate countries, except for (I think) Australia. Bedos... your movie's reviews are a mixed bag ,do you sprnt 17 million euros in a film you're not going to show worlwide? I'm a fan of Pierre Niney,an excellent actor.and I'm eager to watch your fillm and judge it fairly.. DO. RELEASE the effing comedy/thriller/romance once and for all or refrain from shooting any more mobies if you're going to hide it afterwards.