If the Democrats would just do their job and Impeach the President like the Constitution suggests in this situation(Obstruction should be a Crime no matter who you are)! Even if Republican Senate Won't Impeach,it's still the Right Thing to do! If You Can't do it Now than When? Democrats Need to Start Playing OFFENCE! Just like Republicans have been doing to us! Each Democratic campaign Needs to be Honest with what THEY Believe in and Run it in the Ground! STOP TRYING TO PLEASE EVERYONE! No Matter What, WHOEVER comes out Our Democratic Representative to go up against Trump,WE ALL GET BEHIND TO BEAT TRUMP IN 2020!(Their ALL Great Candidates) But than we are 20 Plus Deep here with Each one of these Candidates being Special in their Own Way! They are ALL Great Candidates for the Future,But in the mean time lets get them in the Senate and Congressional Seats where they can move up to be able to Use their Talents Wisely! And work on getting Mitch McConnell OUT of the Senate or NOTHING will ever be brought up for a Vote again! GET OUT THE VOTE 2020 !