Half of it doesnt make sense, the "goat has deep voice" thing was not funny, also that thing was annoying. Asha has a copy paste "dorky" attitude and its not charming. All of Asha's friends have no personality besides a trope, and I'm pretty sure half arent even named in the movie. Magnifico had this weird obsession with being handsome and brought it up constantly for like... no reason?? Also the "punishment" for him was genuinely awful once you think about it, like no one deserves to (SPOILERS) be trapped in a crystal thing for all eternity (or until he dies) in a dungeon with no one to talk to, it was stupid. Also, maybe I just don't have a taste in pop, but the songs sucked, I had to be forced to watch through a few of them because they were "lore important" and it was awful.