The concept is solid and initially intriguing, and the design team is on point. The writing is just BAD BAD BAD!
- Jokes are painfully corny and don’t land right
- So much convoluted exposition
- Nobodies motives make any sense
- MASSIVE plot holes
- Confusing tones
- Big reliance on cheesy cliff hangers (That can be seen coming from miles away).
Typical lazy writing.
Some of the actors here are doing really good, at least the best they can with this poor dialogue.
Little Bode, in particular. He’s a super good child actor that I hope can stop getting type casted as dumb kid making dumb decisions.
I’m not the least bit encouraged with what’s being setup here for a second season. I can only assume it will involve more nonsensical plot twists, exposition dumps to try and dig itself out of plot holes it made, and cheap teen drama.
I am curious as to wether or not the novels are this bad or if this was just a horrible representation of an otherwise good series.
Somehow I feel the concept is just too big for a lazy writing team to take on.