A long time fan of Star Trek, I was so disappointed with Discovery, I just couldn’t watch it, it took itself way too seriously and really didn’t feel like Trek.
The movies, again, didn’t seem to fit with the essence of Trek.
Picard, again, hard to enjoy as, with respect, Patrick Stewart bless him, let the guy retire…
This series seemed different, it brings back the weekly stories, which I think was the right thing to do, It also bright some of the humour and silliness of the original Trek and gave us lots of lovely Easter eggs. There is also a really great cast of actors who do such a great job.
If I had one nit pick, it’s the special effects. And it’s not just this series, it’s a lot of sci-fi…For some reason they just seem overdone to me. Not every shot needs lens flares and water droplets on the camera. Space isn’t full of debris everywhere, and seeing the Enterprise flying around asteroids like it’s an X-wing? Less would definitely be more I think.
All in all however I thought this was a great piece of creative work which showed respect the essence of the original series.
People remember how something makes them feel, and I really enjoyed each episode. It’s great to be able to give this new series a big thumbs up.