The unavoidable word that comes to mind is “exhausting.” It is exhausting watching Mayim Bialik rush through her role at 120 miles per hour. I have greatly admired her previous work but the concept of this show and directorial choices are so wrong. First, I find nothing interesting about a cat cafe. Second, the numerous times she breaks the fourth wall to speak to viewers gives the entire show a choppiness that erases any flow in the dialogue. Third, most of her lines are delivered so fast that the viewer has no time to take them in and feel anything about them. In other words, the delivery feels superficial because she is “acting” and not living truthfully in an imaginary set of circumstances as the renowned drama teacher, Sanford Meisner, so beautifully put it. With so much talent available, I think this show might have a chance if the producer(s)/director are open and willing to make some major adjustments.